Saturday, October 9, 2010

Couch Potato

If we could turn off all the TVs in the world I believe that children would actually be more educated, healthier, and independent. The reasons I think this are because I know when I was a child that if I had the TV on while I was trying to do my homework or study for a test it would not get done. So there’s for the education, students are not going to try has hard to learn their material if their favorite cartoon is on. Most children are not going to want to sit down and play and educational board game or study flash cards if their watching a good show on TV. As for the healthiness, I strongly believe that TV does not do much good. Most kids now a days when they are “playing” with their friends they are really inside playing their favorite video games or just watching TV. Playing video games or watching the tube do not involve any type of physical activity. Now for independence, I do not really know if TV makes you dependent on other people, so I do not extremely agree one that one but the other two I strongly agree on. If all the TVs in the world were to be turned off children most likely would not even know what to do from there because they do not get out and play in the yard. I know that when I was a child I was never very interested in TV so I was always outside playing with my neighbors and it kept me very active and healthy, now that I am interested in TV and facebook I am not as active as I was as a child and definitely probably couldn’t go outside and run around and play tag like I used to. I think that it would be a great idea to have kids stop watching TV and playing video games and to get outside and do something with their life or else they will forever be a…..couch potato.


  1. kids have so many distractions today with tv, ipods, the internet, facebook, myspace, cellphones, and on an on. i don't totally disconnect my daughter from it all, but i do make her take care of her responsibilities first. i've been so ridiculously busy this quarter that being a couch potato sounds very relaxing.

  2. Television is very distracting, I agree. I always find myself watching t.v. when I am supposed to be doing homework or chores.
